Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1098

Hey there, Teri here, hope you’re having a great Saturday.

Saturday is the day where we talk about different things that you can say Alexa for fun, and sometimes they’re even a little bit practical.

So I’ve got a couple of show business style ones for you today, the first one is, particularly if you’re a Jimmy Fallon fan, you might like this one.

You can say to Alexa, “Alexa, tell me a Jimmy Fallon joke and you will have Jimmy Fallon actually tell you the joke in his voice.

And he’s got a number of jokes on on Alexa, so you can do that a couple times and hear his repertoire.

join us for the happy hour of voice on Clubhouse in The Voice Den

Amazon Alexa Commands 135

The other thing that you can say is you can ask Alexa, who her favorite actor is, and she will tell you that.

An interesting answer is she says, currently, my favorite actors and she tells you so that’s interesting.

I guess it’s a way for Amazon to leave the door open for Alexa to change her opinion about those types of questions.

I think I’ll stop there for today, I just want to remind you again, if you want to join us for the happy hour voice on Clubhouse in The Voice Den just look me up on Clubhouse and I’m happy to chat with you over there, my user name is DrTeriFisher.

Alright, have a wonderful day, we’ll be back again tomorrow, take care.

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