Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1049

Hey there, Teri Fisher here.

Hello, hope you’re doing well January 2, here we are into 2021.

And today because it’s Saturday, I want to share some commands that we can say to our smart assistants to have some fun.

And here are some things that you can say, you can say to Alexa, “Alexa, tell me a winter poem” and you can do that a couple times because she does have a number of poems that she knows.

You can also say, “Alexa, what is your New Year’s resolution”, and she can give you a response to that.

you can do that a couple times because she does have a number of poems

Amazon Alexa Commands 128

Now, when I asked that she actually then gave me a little clue about something else that you can say every single day of January to help celebrate the New Year.

And all you do is you simply wish Alexa a happy New Year. “Alexa, happy New Year”, and she’ll respond with something different each day for the month of January.

So that’s something a little bit fun that we can play around with, so there you go.

Hope your first weekend of 2021 is off to a great start and I will be back again tomorrow with a question from the community.

Take care, bye bye.

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