Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1007

Hey there, happy Saturday, hope you’re having a good start to your weekend.

It’s Saturday and that means we’re getting back to the commands that you can say to Alexa to have some fun and to be entertained, and also some practical tips as well.

Let’s get right to it, here are a couple things that you can say.

First of all, with lots of deals going on right now for Black Friday, as I mentioned yesterday on the flash briefing, you can actually use Alexa to find out what the deals are.

You simply say, “Alexa, what are my deals”, and she will tell you one at a time.

If you want to move on, you say next, if you want to add it to your cart, they make it very simple and she tells you the savings and when it will be delivered by so pretty cool.

you can actually use Alexa to find out what the deals are.

Amazon Alexa Commands 123

So that’s the first one, next one, you’ve got some kind of party you can say, “Alexa, let’s party” and you can see what she says that’s kind of a little fun one.

And you can also use some really practical ones, I want to share these with you as well.

You can say, Alexa move my whatever time meeting so for example, my 2pm meeting to 4pm if you want to control your calendar through Alexa.

If you’re not sure what Alexa said, or you’re not sure why she said something you can say, “Alexa, tell me what you heard”, and then she will tell you the last thing that she said.

And I think we’ll stop there for today, hopefully those commands those questions are useful for you.

Have a wonderful rest of your day, again, if you do decide to order anything for Black Friday and you want to use my affiliate link, very much appreciated.

You just go to AlexainCanada.ca/BlackFriday. Have a great Saturday, I’ll talk to you again tomorrow.

Take care.

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2. Click on “Add Content” and search for “Voice in Canada”.
3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

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