Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #930

Hey there, Teri here, hope you’re having a great Saturday.

As you know, Saturdays are days to learn about different commands and questions that you can ask Alexa, and I got a couple of fun ones for you today.

The first one is if you are drawing a blank on what to do, but you’d like to draw, ask Alexa, “Alexa, what should I draw?”

And she gives you some very, very interesting ideas on things to try drawing and you can do this multiple times and get different answers, alright, so there’s the first one.

The second one is a practical one, let’s say you’re going out later on and you wonder what the temperature is going to be at a certain time you can actually specify that.

I actually didn’t like her response when I asked her this

So you can say, “Alexa, what is the temperature at 8 pm” for example, and she will tell you specifically what it is at that time.

And finally, we haven’t done much speaking about the NHL, and considering all the NHL playoffs are going on, it’s about time that we talked about this.

So here you go, you can ask Alexa, “Alexa who is going to win the Stanley Cup” and see what she says.

I actually didn’t like her response when I asked her this but anyway, maybe it’ll change over the course of the playoffs.

Alright, anyway, there you go, hope you having a great day.

Have a wonderful Saturday, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

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2. Click on “Add Content” and search for “Voice in Canada”.
3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

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