Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1212

Hey, hey Teri here with your flash briefing for Monday.

So with this being June and school coming to a close very soon, I know there are a lot of kids that are having exams now, and I know my son’s got an exam this week and I wanted to share an idea that you could use to help study and that is actually create some flash cards through Amazon Alexa blueprints.

They’re basically like custom skills, you design them, you design the content that is in those flashcards and then you can use those through Alexa to study.

All you do is you go to Blueprints.Amazon.ca and you’re gonna see you’ve got a couple of different options there.

It’s pretty self explanatory, you do not need to know how to code at all

Amazon Alexa Blueprints for Flashcards

You can simply click on flashcards in there other kinds as well, you can have a sample of what it looks like and then you really just follow the instructions on the screen.

It’s pretty self explanatory, you do not need to know how to code at all and you can start to create your own flashcards, either you can create them safe for your kids, or your kids could create them themselves and that of course helps the studying in just creating the flashcards.

So there you go, a little study tip for for June and this time of year, I hope you’re doing well, hope everybody’s doing well in your family and I look forward to speaking with you again tomorrow, take care, talk to you soon.

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