Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1386

Hello. Teri here. Hope you’re doing well. Happy Sunday. As always, on Sunday, we like to answer questions from the community.

This one is all about Alexa voices. By the way, if you’re not part of our Facebook community, feel free to join us at VoiceinCanada.ca/Community, and it’ll take you right there.

So the question is, “Are there other Alexa voices beyond the typical regular voice that we hear? And if there are, how do we switch them?”

Now I actually did a flash briefing about this a little while ago, but I want to go over it again. Because it is a very interesting feature and not a lot of people are aware of it.

So, as of November 16, so it’s a relatively new thing, we in Canada are now able to choose between Alexa’s original voice and a new voice option.

And it’s really, really easy to change it. You simply say, “Alexa, change your voice”, and you will hear the voice change from the original to the new voice.

It is a very interesting feature and not a lot of people are aware of it

Alexa Voices Options To Choose From

You can also change it back by simply giving that command again, “Alexa, change your voice.”

Now, for those of you that are also bilingual, you can actually speak to Alexa in English and in French, in both of the voices.

And just so you know, you can also change the wake word as usual, and the wake words can include Alexa, Computer, Echo, or Amazon. Any one of those.

Starting next year, there will be a new wake word as well, Ziggy. At one point it was working here, I’m not sure what happened.

If it was like a trial or what the case was. It was working for a while, and then it seemed to not be working anymore.

But Amazon has said that sometime in the new year, that wake word will be available for us as well. So there you go.

Hope that’s helpful to you, and hope you’re enjoying the rest of your weekend. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

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Voice in Canada Flash Briefing Icon1. Open your Alexa app and click on the Menu button > Settings > Flash Briefing.
2. Click on “Add Content” and search for “Voice in Canada”.
3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

Alexa, what are my flash briefings?

Alexa, what’s in the news?

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