Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1249

Hey, hey Today is a big day in Alexa world and Alexa world it is I mean, I don’t know how many he’s gonna have to say the word.

It is Alexa Live today, Wednesday July 21, it starts at 9am Pacific, I spoke about this a little bit a week ago.

What is Alexa Live it is an interactive virtual event for Alexa skill builders, device makers, startups and business leaders eager to learn more about the future of ambient computing and voice technology.

an interactive virtual event for Alexa skill builders, device makers, startups and business leaders

Alexa Live 2021 is Today

This happens today, it goes on for a number of hours, it’s basically think of it as an online free conference all about Alexa learning how to optimize it learning how to take advantage of the technology and just a lot of fun aspects to it as well.

So if you are interested in Alexa and I’m assuming you are because you’re here listening to this, definitely, definitely check this out.

Just simply search Alexa Live and you’ll find it and you’ll find the registration button and you will be good to go.

Remember it starts at 9am Pacific today, I will see you there, take care.

Special Thanks to the Headliner Sponsors of The Voice Den:

Connect with Alexa Evangelists virtually on Twitch. These experts support our community in different ways, hosting weekly office hours, live coding sessions, and more.
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Learn more about Google Assistant, and discover what your assistant can do for you. Ready to help, wherever you are.
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Voice in Canada Flash Briefing Icon1. Open your Alexa app and click on the Menu button > Settings > Flash Briefing.
2. Click on “Add Content” and search for “Voice in Canada”.
3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

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Alexa, what’s in the news?

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