Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1187

Hey, hey Teri here it is Thursday, it is the day after The Voice Den and as always, I just want to make a big, big announcement to thank you.

Thank you everybody for joining us both during The Voice Den session and during the after party in the augmented reality space, it was a blast and thank you for joining us.

The next one will be in a month and you can always check that out at TheVoiceDen.com.

Today I want to tell you about some interesting news in the auto industry, there was an electric vehicle report that came out and what this report included was information about Amazon Alexa’s broadest rollout in a six year deal with Ford Motor Company.

And so I’ll read you the the information on this and it says, this year, the Alexa voice command functionality that many people have in their home will be wired to 700,000 Ford vehicles in Canada and the US, followed by millions more over the next few years.

it’s delivered through the SYNC 4 technology which provide hands free voice initiated interactions

Alexa is a Ford Passenger

They will be integrating the voice commanding system into their entertainment system of the F-150 trucks and other vehicles such as the Bronco, Edge, as I said F-150, Mustang Mach-E, and Super Duty customers with SYNC 4 technology.

So pretty exciting stuff again, more expansion of Amazon Alexa, some of the things you’ll be able to do is from within the Ford vehicle.

People can ask Alexa to control their smart home devices, place calls, locate parking spots, all that kind of stuff and again, it’s delivered through the SYNC 4 technology which provide hands free voice initiated interactions.

So pretty cool, if you’re a Ford fan, then I definitely suggest that you keep your eyes open for these vehicles and I’m sure there’s gonna be lots more information and announcements coming in the next months.

So there you are Ford and Alexa, they’re now driving together, alright, have a great day, talk to you tomorrow.

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