Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1279

Hey, Teri here, and I’ve got one final announcement from the Alexa Live event. And this is all about the Alexa Custom Assistance.

I don’t know if you are aware of this, but relatively recently, Amazon announced the ability for brands to create their own custom assistant, but using all the technology that is already built through Amazon, and Alexa.

So this means that a brand, pick your favorite brand, potentially could create their own unique wake word relevant to the brand. They can have their own voice, their own personality, their own capabilities.

So it really becomes like a custom voice assistant, but it is leveraging all of the infrastructure and the framework that Amazon has put in place with Alexa.

Amazon announced the ability for brands to create their own custom assistant

Alexa Custom Assistant Expands

So, I do think we were going to… we are going to be seeing more and more of this. In the future. We’re gonna hear about brands having their own custom voice assistant, and there’s a good chance that it will be built on top of the Alexa infrastructure.

So, stay tuned for examples of that. If you hear of any examples of that, please send them my way. I’d love to highlight them for everybody so I can get a sense of what those are like.

And, I think they’ll be fun. So, enjoy your Friday and I’ll be back tomorrow without some fun tennis and summer commands. Talk to you then

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