Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #416
Hey there, I hope you are having a fantastic day, or a fantastic morning, or evening, or whenever you are speaking to Alexa. Hope it is going well for you. I have a little feature that I discovered quite by accident, and here’s how I discovered it.
I was getting ready for bed. I wanted to set an alarm for the morning, but my wife was asleep, and so, I wanted to try to see if the whisper feature was available in Canada. And, if you don’t know, the whisper feature has been available in the United States for some time now.
Basically, what that is, is you get to ask Alexa a question by whispering, and Alexa actually responds to you by whispering as well. So it’s great for those situations where you don’t want to be noisy, you don’t wanna wake somebody up.
So, I tried it. I tried whispering to Alexa, and what did she do, very loud and proud, she just answered my question and set the alarm. So, it wasn’t all that successful, but here’s the thing, and I wonder if this is a hint that the whisper feature is coming to Canada.
You got to try this out. Ask Alexa, “Can you whisper?” And even if your account is set for Canada, for Canadian English, she actually whispers back to you, and I think that the whisper voice is really good.
I have a little feature that I discovered quite by accident.
I think it actually sounds very realistic. So try it out. Just ask that question simply, “Alexa can you whisper?”, and she will say something to you back by whispering, I think it’s very cool.
So hopefully the actual whisper mode will be coming to Canada soon. Now, I also just want to give a quick shout out to somebody else who left a review for the flash briefing. This is Peter Wolf. He gave it five stars.
He simply wrote, “Great content. All the new things”, and that’s great, Peter. Thank you so much for that. I try to keep on top of the new things as best as I can, and I really appreciate the five-star review. So thank you very much.
If you would like to leave a review for the flash briefing, it is greatly appreciated, and you can simply do that by going to VoiceinCanada.ca and click on the red button right in the middle of the page leave a review. Take you no more than probably 10, 15 seconds. Thanks so much. Talk to you tomorrow.
Useful Resources
- Complete List of Alexa Commands
- Alexa-Enabled and Controlled Devices in Canada
- Teri Fisher on Twitter
- Alexa in Canada on Twitter
- Alexa in Canada on Instagram
- Alexa in Canada Community Group on Facebook
- Please leave a review on the Skills Store!
- Shopping on Amazon.ca
- Create a Flash Briefing Tutorial – Free Tutorial to Create your own Flash Briefing
- Flash Briefing Formula – Your Complete Premium Step-By-Step Course to Launch a Successful Flash Briefing that Gets Found and Grows Your Brand
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