Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1338

Hello, hello. If you’re like me, you probably use your Echo device, at least one of them, as an alarm clock.

And, here I’ve been startled by how loudly the alarm goes off in the morning, or in the afternoon, for that matter, if you happen to be taking a nap.

Well, there’s a way that you can get around that. You can actually have an alarm sound like it gradually increases in volume over time, and sort of eases you into the waking up routine.

Here’s how you do it. You go to your Alexa app, you click on the “More” icon in the bottom right. You click on “Alarms and timers”

Then you click on “Settings” Then, you choose the device that you want to set this up for. And then you have a couple of options.

Or you can overall set the volume. You can then choose the alarm sound, which is actually pretty fun. There are all kinds of things in there.

That means that the alarm will gradually increase in volume over time

Alarm Volume on Your Echo Device

Everything from some soothing sounds to people speaking to you. And then, the most important one for what we’re talking about here is the switch that says “Sending alarm”

You turn that on, and that means that the alarm will gradually increase in volume over time.

And hopefully, that’ll make your morning routine just a little bit easier. I know it does for me. So there you go. Hope that’s helpful to you.

And hope you’re having a wonderful day. I will talk to you tomorrow. Oh! Before I go.

Remember The Voice Den is happening this week, sponsored by Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. Completely free. Join us.

We’re gonna have a number of voicefluencers there for the special Project Voice X preview edition.

And you can get all the details at TheVoiceDen.com. Again, it’s happening Wednesday at 5 pm Pacific. See you there.

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