Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1259

Hey hey. Teri here. Saturday. Boy, it was a busy week. Thank you for joining us for all the different events that happened; The Voice Den, our spatial web events in the augmented reality space, as well as VoiceCon Live.

It’s been busy, and… it’s been fantastic and rewarding, and thank you so much for being part of it. Today is Saturday, and that means that we cover a couple of different commands that you can say to Alexa.

And here we go. Let’s get right into them. These are some fun things you can say. The first one that I’ll share with you is that you can simply say, “Alexa, translate…..” and fill in the language of your choice.

Whether it’s Spanish or French, or whatever the case may be. Or… the other option is you can say, “Alexa, how do you say….” and then fill in the blank with your phrase, in French, or in Spanish, etc.

If you’re not sure which information Alexa is sending to the cloud, you can simply ask that

a couple of different commands that you can say to Alexa

And she will translate the phrases for you and she’s pretty good at it. And in my experience, it’s worked quite well. So there’s something that you can do that’s kind of fun.

And also useful. Here’s another kind of fun one. You can say, “Alexa, are you left-handed?” And see what she says to that? And finally, here’s one that’s a little more practical.

But if you’re not sure which information Alexa is sending to the cloud, you can simply ask that. You can say, “Alexa, how do I know if audio is sent to the cloud?”

And she can give you a little tutorial on some of the features of Alexa that help you to determine what is being sent to the cloud. So there you go.

A couple of things that you can try, a couple of fun ones, a couple of practical ones, and… I hope you have a wonderful Saturday. And I will talk to you again tomorrow.

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