Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #767

Hello, hope you’re doing well, it’s Teri Fisher here with your flash briefing.

And I know from anecdotal reports and stories that I’ve heard, but also from patients that I’ve been speaking to, that people are naturally anxious about what’s going on in the world right now and some people are having some trouble sleeping.

Here is a little tip that you can use and it is to use the Sleep Sounds skill by Invoked Apps.

Now the nice thing about this one is that you can actually choose from a lot of different sounds that you may want to listen to when you are going to sleep.

The nice thing about this one is that you can actually choose from a lot of different sounds.

Sleep Sounds by Invoked Apps

So you would say, “Alexa, enable sleep sounds” or go to the skill store and enable it.

You’d search for sleep sounds by Invoked Apps and then once it’s enabled you say, “Alexa, open sleep sounds.”

You can then say things like, Alexa asks, sleep sounds to play thunderstorms or ask sleep sounds to play rain forest or wind or wind chimes or heavy rain.

There are so many different options there, so give it a try.

Hope it helps you to get a little bit better sleep and I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the sounds of this skill has, alright?

Take care, talk to you tomorrow.

Listen on your Echo Device! Easy as 1-2-3!

Voice in Canada Skill Logo1. Open your Alexa app and click on the Menu button > Settings > Flash Briefing.
2. Click on “Add Content” and search for “Voice in Canada”.
3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

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