Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #760

Hey there, it’s Dr. Teri Fisher here with your flash briefing for Thursday.

And well I’ve got some interesting news to tell you today and it has to do with Amazon and the Coronavirus skills that are on there or that I should say were on there.

And I need to explain something to you as well because if you have been looking for my Coronavirus Doc skill or my Coronavirus Tips flash briefing, you will not be able to find them.

And here’s the thing, just as I was recording my last podcast, which was a on Tuesday, it went live on Tuesday as it went live, I received an email from Amazon and the email said that they were removing all Coronavirus skills from the Amazon skill store.

And if I quote the email, it said, “In an effort to ensure accuracy and consistency of information shared with our customers, we are limiting skills about Covid_19 at this time. As such, your skill has been removed from the catalog. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.”

So very interesting, I mean I can certainly understand why Amazon is doing this.

I encourage you to check out a free webinar that I’m holding.

Amazon Removing All Coronavirus Skills

They want to make sure that there’s accurate information out there.

I can’t help but be disappointed because that was my whole goal with this was to bring you accurate information but nevertheless, I understand that.

And I also just want to say to you Northern voice that if you have been looking for my Coronavirus Doc skill or my Coronavirus Tips flash briefing and you haven’t found them, that’s the reason is that Amazon has pulled those along with all the other Coronavirus skills that are there.

So I’m really curious to know what you think about this.

Is this something that Amazon should be doing?

Is it something that they should not be doing? How do you feel about it?

I’m really genuinely interested in your opinion on this one.

You can hit me up on Twitter, DrTeriFisher and if you believe that voice technology can have a big impact on pandemics such as the one that we are living through right now, I encourage you to check out a free webinar that I’m holding.

I’m bringing some world experts on voice technology, and this is going to be taking place next Wednesday at two Eastern.

You can simply go to voice FirstHealth.com/Live to register for that.

We’ve already got a whole bunch of people registered, I’m really excited about it, so hopefully you’ll join us there, okay?

In the meantime, be well, take care and I’ll talk to you soon.

Resources Mentioned in this Episode

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