Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #725

Hey there. It’s Teri here and I want to tell you about something that’s new with a Canadian skill.

And this is really interesting. This is all about synthetic voices.

You may have heard, it’s been in the news recently, that Amazon has actually started to help brands to create synthetic voices.

So, the perfect example is KFC. They’re the first one, and they’re the ones that this is in the news about. And you can actually try this.

You can say, “Alexa, open KFC”, and you’re going to hear, instead of Alexa voice, you’re going to hear Colonel Sanders’ voice.

And, basically what Amazon has done, is they’ve created this synthetic voice that then speaks to you instead of using the Alexa voice.

It’s similar to what they did with the Samuel L. Jackson voice, where they had him record some sounds, and then based on that recording, they were able to generate his voice for other statements that Alexa makes.

So, interesting, very interesting technology.

Amazon has actually started to help brands to create synthetic voices.

Amazon Synthetic Voices

Check it out. Just try the KFC skill, and it is available in Canada. So hey, we’re on the forefront here for change.

Alright. And now before I sign off again, I want to thank another listener that left a review for the flash briefing. This time it was Joe Hawkins, and this is what Joe wrote.

He gave it five stars and he said, “Every day things are changing with voice technology. Teri’s able to provide up to the date info. Keeps me up to date on all the Alexa skills and products, and how to use this awesome technology. Teri provides a platform where you are able to search out any questions you may have about voice. Also, he will personally take the time to help you if he can.”

So Joe, hey thanks so much for that review. I really, really appreciate that.

It’s really so nice to hear those kind words. And, what can I say? You know, it means a lot to me.

So, if anybody else would like to leave a review, you go to VoiceinCanada.ca, and you’ll see the red button there.

Thanks so very much, and I will talk to you again tomorrow. For now, try out that skill. Just say, “Alexa, open KFC.”

Talk to you later.

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2. Click on “Add Content” and search for “Voice in Canada”.
3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

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