Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #714
Hey there. It’s Teri Fisher here with your flash briefing on Sunday. And, today is SuperBowl Day.
Also on Sundays though, I like to answer a question from the audience.
So here’s a special question coming to you today courtesy of Ellen DeGeneres.
Ellen asks, “What do you think people did before Alexa?” and I think to find out the answer to this one, you’re going to have to work a little bit harder.
You’re going to have to work a little bit harder.
You’re either going to have to go to YouTube and do a quick little search, and search for “Ellen Amazon Alexa” or watch the SuperBowl today.
Because, Amazon has created a pretty cool and pretty funny commercial that stars Ellen DeGeneres and Portia, and they are asking that very question, “What do you think people did before Alexa?”
So, either give it a search, it’s available right now, or stay tuned to the SuperBowl and you’re going to see, it’s a great commercial.
So enjoy. Have a great day. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.
Resources Mentioned in this Episode
Other Useful Resources
- Complete List of Alexa Commands
- Alexa-Enabled and Controlled Devices in Canada
- Teri Fisher on Twitter
- Alexa in Canada on Twitter
- Alexa in Canada on Instagram
- Alexa in Canada Community Group on Facebook
- Please leave a review on the Skills Store!
- Shopping on Amazon.ca
- Create a Flash Briefing Tutorial – Free Tutorial to Create your own Flash Briefing
- Flash Briefing Formula – Your Complete Premium Step-By-Step Course to Launch a Successful Flash Briefing that Gets Found and Grows Your Brand
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2. Click on “Add Content” and search for “Voice in Canada”.
3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.
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