Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #706

Hey there and welcome to the Saturday edition of the Voice in Canada flash briefing. Thank you so much to those of you that have played along with Crack the Code.

It officially ended yesterday, and I want you to stay tuned over the next couple of days, because I am going to be compiling all of the participants. I had more participants than I’ve ever had.

I’ve done this twice, and I’ll give you all the stats coming up here very shortly in the next couple of days. But anyway, thank you for playing along. I’ve had some great feedback and I look forward to announcing the winners here in the next little while.

So make sure you’re listening to the flash briefing right here. Today we’re going to get back to our regular routine of Saturday Amazon Alexa commands, things that you can say to either entertain you or to just help you out.

And, I’ve got a couple of few today. So let’s get back to this. The first one is, you can say, “Alexa, how long will it take to get to work right now?”

So if you’re not sure how long your commute will take, then you can ask.

Things that you can say to either entertain you or to just help you out.

The thing is, in order for this one to work, you do have to set up in advance in the settings of your app, where your work is, so that Alexa knows where that location is.

Another thing that you can say is you can ask Alexa, “Hey Alexa, who is your favorite actor?” And she will tell you who her favorite people are. And, we’ll give you one more.

How about this one, “Alexa, give me a famous first line”, and she can help you out with that as well.

Alright? So, enjoy those. I’ll finish off by saying, again, thank you for playing Crack the Code.

I am looking for feedback on this. I would love to get your honest feedback. That’s a key, honesty feedback. And the easiest way to do that is simply go to AlexainCanada.ca/Feedback, and it will take you to a very short Google form.

And, if you can fill it in, it would mean the world to me, because I will be able to move forward and make the next edition of Crack the Code even better.

So AlexainCanada.ca/Feedback. Thanks so very much. Have a great Saturday. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

Listen on your Echo Device! Easy as 1-2-3!

Voice in Canada Skill Logo1. Open your Alexa app and click on the Menu button > Settings > Flash Briefing.
2. Click on “Add Content” and search for “Voice in Canada”.
3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

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