Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #63

All right, hope you are having a great weekend. We finally got some nice weather here in Vancouver, so I’m very excited spending some time outside with my kids and baseball and so on.

Anyway, today we’re going to diving into part three of the routines tutorial.

Today I’m going to cover three features of the routines because each one doesn’t have a whole lot to them, but when you use them in conjunction with each other, it really streamlines what Alexa can tell you in the morning or whenever you use your routines.

So as usual, you set up your routine, but clicking on the menu icon and go to routines.

You choose how you’re going to trigger the routine and then when you click on an action.

The three that I want to talk about today are first of all, news, pretty simple.

When you enable news icon from the routine settings, basically what you’re doing is you’re telling Alexa to automatically start your flash briefings when you enable that routine, pretty simple.

So the morning if you’ve got a number of flash briefings attached to your device and you enable that routine, Alexa will start saying them.

You can have Alexa tell you your news, tell you your commute, and tell your weather really nice and efficient.

Routines - News, Traffic, Weather

I do recommend, if you haven’t enabled this one, I know you probably have because you’re listening to this unless you’re listening to it somewhere else.

For sure enabled Voice in Canada. The other thing that you can do is set up your traffic.

Which is basically your traffic report for your commute. And again, when you enable your routine Alexa will tell you your traffic commute time, the estimated time.

You need to have your location set up and the way you do that is through your settings option and then you go into the specific traffic setting and then you can set that up.

And once you’ve done that and you enable your routine, Alexa is ready to tell you all about your traffic and your commute time.

And finally, whether this is pretty self explanatory, if you enable that, Alexa will also give you your weather report for that day.

So if you use all three of those with one routine, you can have Alexa tell you your news, tell you your commute, and tell your weather really nice and efficient.

All right? So make sure to enable those and I will talk to you tomorrow. Take care.

Resources Mentioned in this Episode

Other Useful Resources

Listen on your Echo Device! Easy as 1-2-3!

Voice in Canada Skill Logo1. Open your Alexa app and click on the Menu button > Settings > Flash Briefing.
2. Click on “Add Content” and search for “Voice in Canada”.
3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

Alexa, what are my flash briefings?

Alexa, what’s in the news?

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