Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #123

Hey there and hope you’re having a good day. This is a pretty cool skill that I want to talk to you about today.

Again, it’s a new type of classification of skill, I suppose a new concept and it seems like we’re popping up with these new concepts almost every day as more and more people get excited about this voice technology.

Well here’s the deal with this skill. This is produced by a company called the Sensible Object and what they’ve done is they’ve taken a board game.

The board game is When in Rome and they’ve created Alexa skill that basically is the centerpiece of this board game.

And so you ask questions to Alexa and Alexa asks you questions and the board game is centered around the skill.

Now the skill has the same name When in Rome. And what’s interesting is that’ that skill is actually live right now on the skill store.

They’ve created Alexa skill that basically is the centerpiece of this board game.

When in Rome Skill

And yes, it is available in Canada. So you can enable this When in Rome skill and you can try it out and you can get a sample question that Alexa will ask you and it’s again, it’s very well produced. There seems to be a theme here.

I’ve noticed that the skills that are catching on and that there’s interest about, and there is a buzz about on social media and online.

These are the skills that are really well produced and I think we’re going to just see more and more of that. So have a look at it.

I had fun playing around with it. I don’t have the game. The game actually goes on sale July 2nd but you can try the skill out right now.

So just, you know, the regular way Alexa enable or open when in Rome. Talk to you later.

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Voice in Canada Skill Logo1. Open your Alexa app and click on the Menu button > Settings > Flash Briefing.
2. Click on “Add Content” and search for “Voice in Canada”.
3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

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