Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #422

Hey there. I hope you’re doing well. It’s Teri here and it is Tuesday, which means I have another podcast coming out today. In fact, there are two podcasts coming out today.

One, of course, with the AlexainCanada.ca brand, and the other one is with my VoiceFirstHealth.com brand, but speaking of the Alexa one, I have a really, really interesting guest today, Adva Levin.

And, she is in Israel. She is the creator, the CEO of Pretzel Labs. And, she created the skill called Kids Court. Kids Court is available in Canada now. And, this skill is tremendous.

She comes on the podcast to talk about how she goes about creating kids skills because this is only one of a number that she has created, but Kids Court is an award-winning skill from Amazon, and it truly is incredible.

She also really tries to tackle a lot of the pain problems that parents have when it comes to raising their kids.

Alexa Kids Skills with Adva Levin

So she comes on, she talks about what goes into making a good kid skill. We talk about her skills, why she chose to make them, a little bit of her background, and we take a deep dive essentially, into kids’ skills and how you create good skills for kids entertainment.

And she also really tries to tackle a lot of the pain problems that parents have when it comes to raising their kids. So, it’s fantastic. It’s a great entertaining skill.

At the same time, it has great use in that it’s helping some parents to make their lives a little bit easier. So, check it out, and hope you’ll enjoy it. AlexainCanada.ca/74.

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2. Click on “Add Content” and search for “Voice in Canada”.
3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

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