Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #1102

Hello, Teri here, happy Wednesday, today’s a big day it is session 10 of The Voice Den.

If you haven’t been to The Voice Den before, it is often been referred to as the happy hour of voice.

It’s where we come together with a number of invited guests in the voice community and we all get to chat with them.

We bring people up on stage a live in the event with the opportunity to sit on the hot seat, so to speak, and you get to ask questions, you get to be mentored, you get to pick their brains and it’s generally a lot of fun and there usually are a lot of laughs, can’t promise that but generally there are.

So I hope that you’ll join us, the link is TheVoiceDen.com. It starts at 5pm Pacific and as usual, it is sponsored by Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant.

it’s generally a lot of fun and there usually are a lot of laughs

The Voice Den Session 10

I just want to tell you briefly the five special guests that we have we have Dr. Ahmed Bouzid, otherwise known as Didou, he is the founder and CEO of wit lingo.

We have Tin Foil Hatter otherwise known as Diana Deibel, and she is the design director for Grand Studio, we also have Content Creator, Nick Godfrey, who is the COO of Rain.

We have Caitlin Gutekunst, who is The Instigator, she is the Senior Director of Marketing and Development at Creativity, Inc and we have Nick Schwab, otherwise known as The Sleeper, he’s the founder of Invoked Apps.

So please check it out, I can’t wait to see you there and right afterwards, we’re going to have an after party on Clubhouse.

So by all means, come join us there as well and the party will continue.

So I’ll see you today 5 o’clock Pacific at TheVoiceDen.com.

Special Thanks to the Headliner Sponsors of The Voice Den:

Connect with Alexa Evangelists virtually on Twitch. These experts support our community in different ways, hosting weekly office hours, live coding sessions, and more.
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Learn more about Google Assistant, and discover what your assistant can do for you. Ready to help, wherever you are.
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