Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #958

Hey, hey Teri Fisher here with your flash briefing for Saturday.

I’d think about that for a sec, it’s Saturday and let’s get right to it.

Saturday is all about some fun commands or things that you can say to Alexa and help you get a little bit more out of your experience.

So, by the way, you can always check out all the previous ones at VoiceinCanada.ca.

Today’s is all about cooking and if you are ever cooking and you are running out of ingredients, and you’re wondering if you can substitute one thing for another Alexa can help you with this.

Alexa actually has quite a lot of valuable information there for you.

Amazon Alexa Commands 119

And my daughter is all over this cause my daughter loves baking.

So I’ll just give you a few examples of things that you can ask, and of course let your imagination run wild.

You can ask things like, “Alexa, what is the substitution for olive oil?”

Or “Alexa, what is a substitution for butter?” or “Alexa, can you substitute baking soda for baking powder?”

And those sorts of questions and Alexa actually has quite a lot of valuable information there for you.

So try it out and if you’re into cooking, give it a shot and she just may help you open your mind if you don’t have the right ingredient lying around your home, okay?

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to speaking with you again tomorrow, take care.

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2. Click on “Add Content” and search for “Voice in Canada”.
3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

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