Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #887

Hey there, alright, it’s Friday and today I want to sort of piggyback on a theme that we talked about yesterday, and that was listed.

Yesterday I talked about how you can use a list to remember movies or TV shows or books that you want to read.

Well, I’ve sort of on this list kick now, ever since I kind of rediscovered that I’ve been using them a lot more and I discovered another little tip that I hope will be helpful to you.

Now I’m using Alexa more and more for keeping track of things that we need to buy at the grocery store.

So I’ll give you an example, we ran out of pickles the other day and I love pickles, I don’t know if you love pickles, I love pickles.

And I needed to put pickles on the grocery list, so I said, “Alexa, add pickles to the grocery” and sure enough Alexa added pickles to the grocery list And then my wife asked me, “so what else is on the grocery list?”

Use it to have a look at the list, review the list, edit the list, delete things off the list

Grocery List Tips with Alexa

So I said to Alexa, “Alexa, what is on my grocery list?” and I happened to be speaking to an Echo Show device.

So Alexa told me the number of things on my list and showed me some of the things on my list and then because it was on a show, I just tap the screen on one of those items and I was able to edit it, in fact, I was able to delete items off the list.

And so it literally became like a multimodal smart screen because now I could tap on it and either type or delete or edit.

So, it’s very interesting, if you are looking at using your Alexa device to keep track of lists, keep in mind that you can also, then if it’s a multimodal device, use it to have a look at the list, review the list, edit the list, delete things off the list very, very cool, but again, just the voice makes it so easy to add things to the list.

So that’s what I’m doing now whenever we need something in the house when I realized that we’re running out of something, I just add it to the grocery list through Alexa.

Alright, have a great day, talk to you tomorrow, take it easy.

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