Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #834

Hello, how are you doing?

It’s Teri here with the flash briefing for Monday and today I want to tell you a little bit about a report that has to do with security online and how this relates to smart speakers and of course, Amazon Alexa.

The Canadian Internet Registration Authority with the abbreviation CIRA, they released its 2020 report.

And the bottom line is that they say, that there has been an increase in the concern that Canadians have with regards to security of their information online.

So how does this relate to Alexa? Well, according to this report, they say that 74% of those surveys had privacy or security concerns related to connected smart speakers like Amazon Alexa, but also Google home.

This I find very interesting, and I also find it, a little bit surprising and I’ll tell you why.

With everything going on with Covid right now and everybody’s staying home and everybody being online more, I can understand that there are the concerns and that may be all this means, is that yes, people have concerns.

Are people using Alexa despite being concerned about privacy.

Canadians Concerned about Privacy on Alexa

But the other part of this, which I think is really, really important is, are those concerns preventing people from using the devices.

Because I believe and I have to admit, I don’t have any data in front of me, but with more people at home, more people are going online and more people are using the smart speakers.

And so it makes me wonder, are people using Alexa despite being concerned about privacy or are they using it because those are the ones that are not concerned about it.

So anyway, a little bit of food for thought there, I thought it was an interesting study, a little bit surprising to me, like I said, to be perfectly honest, but I’d love to hear your take on this.

How do you feel about that? So, for sure, please feel free to send me a message on Twitter, my Twitter handle is Dr.TeriFisher and I’d love to hear your thoughts on this, okay?

So there you go, hope you are having a good day and talk to you tomorrow.

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