Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #812

Hello there, Teri Fisher here with your flash briefing for Sunday and Sunday is the day to answer questions from the community Northern voice.

And today I have a great question, actually, a series of questions from Jill Laplant and I received this, through email.

And, this is actually in reference to the flash briefing from May 6 when I talked about the fact that, the Fire TV Stick is in stock now in Canada, and it’s a great way to convert your TV into a smart TV.

And so Jill had a couple of questions, about getting a Fire TV Stick for her mother.

And, well let me go through the questions and give you the answers because these are, I want, if she’s got these questions, I imagine that a lot of you have these questions as well.

So the first one is, “Does it work with any flatscreen television with an HDMI port?” the answer is yes.

So the Fire TV Stick basically has an HDMI plug that you plug into the HDMI port on the TV.

Fire TV Stick basically has an HDMI plug that you plug into the HDMI port on the TV.

FireTV Stick requires an HDMI port

So as long as your TV has an HDMI port, it should work.

And the television does not have to be a smart TV, in fact, that’s the point of the Fire TV Stick to a certain degree, is that it turns a “dumb” TV into a smart TV because now you’ve got all the apps that are built in to the Fire TV Stick.

And then the final question was, “Does the TV have to be high definition?” and it does not.

The key thing is that there must be an HDMI port, as long as there is an HDMI port, then you can plug it in.

You will need an internet connection to be able to then stream that data, those shows that content that you want, from the internet to the Fire TV Stick, which then simply displays it on your TV through the HDMI port.

So I hope that is helpful for you, for those of you that want to look into ordering this, I am an affiliate for Amazon, you just go to AlexainCanada.ca/FireTV and that will take you to the link.

There’s no extra cost to you whatsoever. So there you go, thanks very much for the question, Jill, I hope that’s helpful for you and I hope you have a great day.

Talk to you later Northern voice.

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