Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #204

Hello. So, I’ve got some news for you to start off your week here on this fine Monday. As you know, Alexa is taking over the world. Okay, well, maybe not the world, but she’s definitely taking over many devices. And there was some news released at a recent conference in Berlin actually, that said that just eight months ago, Alexa had been incorporated into about 4,000 devices, eight months ago.

And, as of just recently, a few days ago, an announcement was made by Amazon Vice President of Smart Home, Daniel Rausch. He announced that Alexa is now in 20,000 different devices. Isn’t that remarkable? 20,000 devices. And, that’s a fivefold increase in the last eight months.

So, you know, for those of you that have Alexa in different devices at home, this probably doesn’t come as much of a surprise, but what is really intriguing to me is just the vastness of this. So, Alexa, well maybe Alexa is taking over the world. It’s incredible. And so, as you know, Alexa is showing up in everything from cars to microwaves, to all these lights, and everything.

So, keep staying tuned because I will try to bring you the latest news of where Alexa can be found next. Now I do want to take just a brief moment and give a couple of shout-outs to two new listeners, or maybe not new listeners, but two new reviews that these listeners wrote on the Amazon skills store for this flash briefing, Voice in Canada.

First one is by Aaron Wright? And, he wrote, he gave us five stars, so thank you, Aaron. He wrote, “Great Service. I like the simplicity of the flash briefing, everyday features on small tidbits of practical information on Alexa functionality. Some days it’s brand new, other days its functions that have been available for some time but might not be so obvious”

Alexa is showing up in everything from cars to microwaves, to all these lights, and everything.

20000 Alexa Devices

So Erin, hey, thanks so much for the five-star review. Thanks so much for listening in and I’m glad that you are finding it valuable. And the next review, and again, a five-star review, there are some initials for this person, and they wrote, “Five stars. Useful and brief. Like the content and cheery voice” Thank you. Cheery Voice in Canada.

“Since I listen more than once a day, I would like three daily segments instead of one. Go for it” Well, I really, really do appreciate that. Three daily segments. I have to say, I honestly, I’ve thought about it, but that’s a little bit intimidating to me, you know, doing one every single day is quite a bit of work. I love it, but it is a lot of work.

And, who knows, maybe one day I can get up to three segments. I’d love to do that. I just got to find, if you’re going to find a way for me to invent some more hours in the day, then hey, I’m all for it. Anyway, regardless. Thanks so much to both of you. Person by the initials EW and Aaron, thanks so much for the five-star reviews.

And if you want to leave a review, an honest review, you simply have to go to VoiceinCanada.ca and you’ll see a red button right in the middle of the screen. You click on that and you write your review. That’s how simple it is. So thanks very much.

I look forward to speaking to you again tomorrow. And, we’ve got a really cool announcement and podcast coming up. Talk to you then.

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2. Click on “Add Content” and search for “Voice in Canada”.
3. Click on “Voice in Canada” and the Enable button.

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Alexa, what’s in the news?

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