Voice In Canada Flash Briefing #127

Well today’s a special day. As you may recall, if you were listening last week. Today I am actually at a conference where I am a speaker on a panel about AI and machine learning.

This conference is in Colona. Colona BC which is a beautiful area of Canada and a PC. And this conference is the 18th Annual International Healthcare Summit.

As I mentioned I’m speaking at it, but the purpose of this flash briefing today is if you are interested at all in healthcare, innovation in healthcare, AI, machine learning, a voice technology and everything that goes along with that.

We’re going to be discussing privacy. We’re going to be discussing a whole bunch of stuff, make sure that you are following me on Twitter because I am going to be tweeting out some of the key points and key takeaways that I learned about epic conference and I’m really excited to be learning about these issues today.

We’re going to be discussing privacy.

18th Annual International Healthcare Summit Today

So my Twitter handle is @DrTeriFisher. Yes I know it’s an unusual spelling for Teri, but that’s what it is Teri Fisher.

And feel free to get in the conversation there. I’ll be tweeting out and I’d love to hear back from you.

And I hope you enjoy the information that I share and of course, the more I learn, the more like to share with you as well through the flash briefing and the podcast. So stay tuned for that. Enjoy your day and look forward to sharing this week’s podcast with you tomorrow.

Resources Mentioned in this Episode

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