(Voice in Canada 2020 – a Year in Review with Dr. Teri Fisher – Episode 148)

Quarantine Caused People to Adopt to Technology

Teri shared that some of the incredible advances in technology have been accelerated by the fact that people were quarantined at home and more and more people were adopting technology.

Teri Was Nominated for Many Awards

Teri was nominated for the AI Commentator of the Year award and even though he did not win that one, he did end up winning the award for the “Best Flash Briefing of the Year.”

Teri is so thankful for your support!

Teri was also named an Alexa Champion by Amazon.

Teri Shares COVID-19 Information in Flash Briefings to Update People

Teri launched the Coronavirus doc skill however, shortly after, the major tech companies decided to remove any skills related to Coronavirus because of concerns regarding the accuracy of the information.

As a result, Teri converted his health tips flash briefing to cover more of the COVID-19 information in that flash briefing.

Because travel came to a halt at that time, it was important to Teri to create an event that would replicate a live networking event in terms of the experience that you would have after the event when everyone is hanging out at the bar together. This is how Teri came up with the concept of “The Voice Den”, which is like a reality show that is described as the “Happy Hour of Voice”

Teri invites key voice personalities – “Voicefluencers” – on the show to have open discussions related to the voice industry. There is no structure to the show. Teri even did a party episode to announce the winner of the 2nd Crack the Code contest. It is ideal that it also coincided with Teri’s 1,000 flash briefing. Shortly after, Teri was approached by Amazon Alexa, and they indicated their interest to become a sponsor.

Teri mentioned that the feedback from the show was incredible, and people found the show fun, exciting, and engaging. Another part of that was launching in conjunction with attn.live. Attn.live helped Teri produce NFT Voicefluencer cards that live on the blockchain and are collector’s items.

The Success of Voice in Canada Flash Briefings

When Teri first launched the flash briefings, he had no idea that it would lead to over 1,000 consecutive episodes. Another milestone of the flash briefings was that they reached 500,000 listens. Teri then started to develop ideas on how to feature other people in the voice community, which led to VOICEismyOS. The concept of VOICEismyOS is that it provides the ability for someone to upload their image and fill in the blank with “VOICEismyOS because…”, then they get a professionally designed graphic that they can utilize for their social media or website.

The Launch of The Voicefluencer Show

The Voicefluencer Show is a live-stream video podcast production that gives Teri the opportunity to interview Voicefluencers that are going to be appearing on one of the upcoming Voice Den show episodes. The show is live-streamed to Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Periscope, and LinkedIn.

Teri Talks About Voice Talks

Voice Talks is an amazing show produced by Modev and Google, and is hosted by Sofia Altuna.

Teri is so thankful for everyone’s support and because of that, Teri was recognized as one of the top Voicefluencers by Voicebot.ai which is the leading news voice technology, podcast, blog, and media outlet.

Teri mentioned that even though 2020 was a tough year because of COVID, it has provided tremendous opportunities that came out of COVID.

For those that have been a part of Teri’s community for a while, Teri stated that the community utilizes more than one type of voice assistant, and therefore, he decided to re-brand the community to be called Voice in Canada instead of Alexa in Canada. The Alexa in Canada podcast is now called the Voice in Canada podcast.


The Voice Den website

Voice in Canada website

Dr. Teri Fisher website

Thank You to the Sponsors of The Voice Den:

Headliners Sponsors

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Alexa launched a new Slack channel for the Alexa Developer community. Join the channel to engage with developers and experts from Alexa’s technical and product teams, gain answers to your technical questions, and share learnings and best practices. Join Today »

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