Amazon Alexa users in Canada and the U.S. will be able to download a free Stephen King Library skill onto their smart speaker platforms, announced Simon & Schuster. The publisher described it as “the first voice-activated book recommendation tool dedicated to an author’s body of work from a major publisher.”

Users will receive recommendations on Stephen King books tailored to their reading tastes from the library of 56 books by Stephen King.

It is sometimes difficult to decide which book you should read next. In today’s busy life, this new Alexa feature might come in handy for those who do not have the time to waste while trying to pick a good book to read.

“Simon & Schuster intends to be at the forefront of utilizing voice interaction technology to connect books and authors to readers and audiobook listener,” Simon & Schuster executive VP and chief marketing officer Liz Perl said in a statement. “Using A.I. through Stephen King Library is a fun and innovative experience for exploring this master storyteller’s work.”

As an Alexa user, all you have to do is say, “Alexa, open Stephen King Library.”

The program will then ask you a series of situational questions – voiced by audiobook narrator Jeremy Bobb – and suggest a reading list informed by your responses.

Reading lists will be formed from questions such as, “You are on a sinking ship, about to jump onto a life raft and can take only one thing with you. Do you take a telescope, a journal or a sling shot?”

In-app purchases are not yet available, but you can buy the books from your platform’s retail store shopping carts. And don’t forget you can always listen to your favourite books on Audible.