Roger Kibbe Senior Developer Evangelist for Samsung Bixby Shares His Perspective on Voice (Episode 162)

Welcome, Roger Kibbe

Roger is a senior developer evangelist for Samsung Bixby. Roger talks to a lot of developers, designers, and companies and discusses how they can build something really interesting utilizing voice or conversational AI on Bixby. Roger is a technology geek at heart but he is also an extrovert, and the best part is that his work allows him to utilize his strengths.

How Roger Got Started in the Voice Industry

Roger left his big Corporate job to pursue a dream of a startup and even though the startup didn’t work out; it led Roger to a career in the voice industry.

What is it Like Working with Adam Cheyer and Samsung?

Roger originally met Adam at a hackathon and at first Roger was a bit intimidated but quickly discovered that Adam was very down to earth and super humble. Another observation that Roger had is that Adam paints an amazing picture and is a great leader. Furthermore, Adam gets people to see his vision and execute on his vision, which makes him an exceptional leader.

When Roger was presented with the opportunity to work with Adam at Samsung, he saw it as a grand opportunity to get in early on and make a huge impact.

What Are Some of the Biggest Issues Facing the Voice Industry?

Roger believes that that the financial model is the first issue in the voice industry because there have to be more creative ways for independent developers to make money. Furthermore, he believes it has something to do with all of the wasted money in advertising that is not able to attribute which touch points happened prior to making a purchase, and how that can be attributed to the voice experience interaction.

There Needs to Be More Diversity and Gender Equality in Voice

Roger is encouraged by the voice industry and believes in diversity and gender equality. He believes that there is not enough diversity in who is building voice experiences.

Roger wants to emphasize the ability to be more creative and also start thinking about where we see more friction. Roger believes that appliances can be overly complicated with so many buttons and that maybe that interface should be voice-enabled. He believes that great communicators can learn the tech and those are the people you should be finding and hiring.

What Are Some Key Entry Points that People Can Showcase While Being a Diverse Evangelist?

Roger’s thoughts were that you should show the world what you can do for all of the platforms out there for voice content such as Voice in Canada, Women in Voice, and many more. Roger believes that you should get on Twitter and explain what you are doing and share it with others and tag the right people. He said that it is important to force yourself to do it and make yourself a bit uncomfortable. He suggested that you go build the wackiest, craziest things because out of the craziest ideas the most successful companies are launched.

Learn More About Roger Kibbe and Samsung Bixby

Samsung Bixby Website

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Check out the Bixby Developers Chat Podcast on iTunes or Spotify

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