Mark Tucker Shares About What He is Working on in Voice Technology and Alexa Skills (Episode 141)

Welcome Mark Tucker

Mark Tucker is extremely well-versed when it comes to voice technology. Mark started working in voice development in 2016. Mark is working on various Alexa skills and voice projects and loves contributing his talent and skills to the voice industry. Mark is very active on Twitter and is always so generous when it comes to helping and growing the community.

How Mark was Coined the Nickname “Open Sorcerer?”

Mark started creating things on GitHub for other developers. He got the nickname “Open Sorcerer” because he has participated in many different open-source voice projects in the voice community.

Two Voice Devs Podcast

Mark shared how Allen Firstenberg partnered up with him to launch the Two Voice Devs Podcast. Mark mentioned that they met each other at a conference and hit it off. Even though they are opposites, they are also a lot alike and have a great time creating content for their podcast. On the “Two Voice Devs” podcast, they talk about tech and development from a voice developer perspective.

Do Mark and Allen Take Questions from the Community for Their Podcast?

They are open to having guests on their show or discussing specific topics that they receive from their listeners via social media.

What Projects is Mark Working on Lately?

Mark shared that he has both individual projects as well as projects that he is working on for his work at Soar. The goal of Soar if to uplift humanity. Soar also has an Alexa skill and Google action that allow people to listen to uplifting content.

They are also working on a process that will allow users to upload their own personal audio so it becomes available on Alexa with transcriptions and full search capability.

Mark released a game called Number Spies that is more than just a voice app. Mark is also working on another app that is cross-platform that should be ready in November.

The Home Number App Project

Mark also created an Alexa skill for a side gig called “Home Number.” This skill allows you to create your own personal home number and you can consider the Alexa device as your answering machine. The process is that when you sign up on the website, a phone number will be generated for you. Then you hook up your Alexa skill with that account. It also allows you to use your web-based address book to make calls and it will call your mobile phone to make a connection, but to the user it appears that you are calling from your home number.

What Would Mark Want to Communicate to the World if He Had a Billboard with 2 Separate Sides?

Mark shared that on the tech side the focus would be on what the technology enables us to do and that starts with a conversation. On the other side, Mark shared that he would put that “kindness begins with him.”

What Are Some Use Cases for the Skill with the Home Phone Number?

Mark shared that one use case could be that your Alexa device could be an answering machine and it could replace someone’s home phone number. Another use case is that if someone wanted to start a business, it would be an additional way to connect with people.

Some other use cases that Mark shared involved larger communities. An assisted living establishment could provide its residents with a device. Other use cases that Mark shared revolved around apartment complexes or themed living areas.

How Can People Use This Alexa Skill?

People can go to the Alexa skill store and look up “home number” or they can go directly to the website.

What is One of the Most Important Initiatives that Mark is Working on?

Mark shared that he is working on a project “Serve More” and it is built upon a platform called “Just Serve” and people can go to the website to find opportunities to serve in their community and give back.

Learn More About Mark Tucker

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Listen to the “Two Voice Devs” podcast

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