Dr. Joan Palmiter Bajorek, CEO and Founder of Women in Voice Discusses Her Voice Career (Episode 159)

Welcome, Dr. Joan Palmiter Bajorek

Dr. Joan Palmiter Bajorek is the CEO and founder of Women in Voice. Women in Voice is a global organization that provides empowerment for women and minority genders in voice technology. Joan is also a researcher and linguist that is working on The Voice Ecology.

How Joan Got Started in Her Voice Career?

Joan did a Master’s in Linguistics and that is when she discovered NLP. That lead to her discovering acoustics and big data.

What is Joan the Most Passionate and About?

Joan believes in having a strategic plan. Her goal is to formalize and stabilize her team. There are so many products they want to pursue; however, Joan also believes in the importance of not burning her teams out and emphasized the importance of recharging.

Joan stated that it is important to have a strategic plan. Joan said that there are so many chapters launching all over the world and many more in beta. The sky is the limit.

What is One Tip That You Can Give People to Have Growth for a Worthwhile Cause?

Joan mentioned that their mission is very solid (people don’t have to guess what they do) or how they position themselves in the ecosystem. She mentioned that the persona of Women in Voice has been really solid. Furthermore, she believes it is essential to evaluate who Women in Voice is publicly facing and to magnify that internally. Women in Voice is super mission-driven and has a celebratory space where you can talk about the heart of all issues.

What is the Relationship Aspect of the Blended Community That Joan Created?

The inner core includes best friends and family, friends, and mentors. Joan believes in staying true to herself whether she is at home or on stage. Joan believes in self-care and in empowering others to network and make connections by reaching out to people.

Why Multimodal Voice is So Important to Joan?

Joan mentioned that when we think of inputs and outputs, the use case and the context really matters and she is very passionate about multimodal.

What is Joan Most Passionate About?

Joan daydreams about the verticals we are going to see next, such as the Bradley Metrex work, a finance conference, and about verticals that will allow people to learn from each other. Joan has also been talking to various teams in different verticals.

Learn More About Joan and Women in Voice




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