Allen Firstenberg, Google Developer for Objective Consulting Talks About Google Glass and Multi-Modal Devices (Episode 151)

Welcome Allen Firstenberg

Allen is a Google expert developer and works for Objective Consulting. Allen helps people learn how to use various technology such as Google Assistant.

What Google Glass Means to Allen

It’s about smoothly being able to navigate across devices and using the right devices at the right time at the right place. Allen has incorporated these lessons into working and developing for Google Assistant.

Google Glasses in Relation to Augmented Reality

Allen commented about Google glasses in relation to augmented reality in terms of what you get to see and how the glasses themselves have not changed and the fact that Google assistant has drastically changed.

Allen believes that Google Glass was the predecessor to what we now see in other voice assistant devices. Allen predicts that what we are going to see is how assistant devices such as Google Assistant and Alexa will evolve into a ubiquitous computing notion.

Allen never viewed Google Glass as an augmented reality device but rather a supplemental reality device. It kept him immersed in the physical world yet provided that escape.

Multi-Model Combination

Allen described that the multi-modal combination as incredibly powerful because of the ability to hear the chirp, glance to see who it is from, and being able to reply via voice.

What Multi-Modal Devices Are Either at Market or Scheduled to Ship in 2022?

Allen said that he is not very optimistic about AR and VR systems because he thinks that they are still many years out. In addition, they are way too distracting for daily use; yet audio is something that is not as distracting.

Allen believes that we will start seeing a crossover happening like what happened with Vocals by North where there was some voice interaction as well as visual interaction in addition to discreet controls with a joystick that is controlled by your hand.

Allen’s fear is that in Apple’s systems, they are focusing more on the visual vs. the audio and that the failure to do that will create a very awkward system.

Spectacles as a Novelty

Allen mentioned that it is important to have assistance that can answer his personal questions. He emphasized the importance of being able to put data into a spreadsheet utilizing his voice. This project is called Vodo Drive and what it does is that it allows you to set up spreadsheets how you want to. It is a live spreadsheet that lives in Google drive. He said that it is an evolving project.

Allen believes that it is still early and experimental, but it really taps into the notion of your data. Another benefit of this is that it is multi-modal, meaning that you can enter it on desktop, mobile, or voice and generate the data that you want.

Two Voice Devs Podcast

The goal of the podcast is to share knowledge with voice developers. Allen wanted to tap into the developer ecosystem and help them become better developers, as well as voice developers. Allen believes in empowering people and helping people and that is what truly drives the podcast.

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