Welcome To Alexa in Canada!

Make sure to read all the way to the bottom to see how you can win an Amazon Echo Dot!

Welcome to Alexa in Canada, a podcast by Teri Fisher to explore Amazon Alexa and Echo devices for Canadians.

In this episode, Teri talks about his inspiration for this podcast and his own passion with voice and smart home technology.

Make sure to read to the end, where you will find info on how YOU can win an Amazon Echo Dot!

What is “Alexa in Canada”?

Alexa in Canada is a resource designed for Canadians to help all of us (myself included) get the most out of the Alexa Voice Service, Amazon Echo devices, and all of the skills that are being developed.

Alexa in a cloud-based voice service – kind of like Siri – but better because independent developers can create skills (kind of like apps), that gives Alexa thousands of abilities. I plan to find and try many skills and report back my success (or lack thereof) of the Alexa abilities. I plan to put an emphasis on Canadian content, but there will be lots of content that will be applicable to any country that has Alexa available to it.

Who is Teri Fisher?

I am a self-proclaimed techie! I love learning about all the latest technology and Alexa is no exception!

Remember those little digital Casio pocket diaries back in the day? I had one those. How about the Palm Pilot? Yep, I had one of those too. You get the idea. I love the idea of having technology to make our lives more simple!

My day job is as a Sport & Exercise Physician and I love bringing technology into my practise, whether it be with patients, teaching medical students or physicians, or giving lectures at conferences and seminars.

I have wonderful family – my wife, my son and my daughter are my life. They support me in what I do, and I support them in all that they do as well!

I have many hobbies, one of which is coaching ice hockey. I love hockey and coach both my son’s and daughter’s hockey teams – it’s not unusual for me to be on the ice 5-6 times in one weekend!

Check out my story here.

What is the Plan for the Alexa in Canada Podcast?

I plan to make this a weekly podcast. Who knows – maybe it’ll be become more frequent than that as well. I plan to keep the episodes around 10-20 minutes,

Topics I plan to include:

I value your feedback!

I would love to hear your thoughts, comments, and questions and I will do my best to address them in future episodes.

Please contact me here!

List of resources mentioned in this episode:

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