Project Description
Would You Rather for Family is a fun skill/game to play with your family or a bunch of friends! Basically, this addicting game asks you to make a choice between two lighthearted and silly situations. Then, you find out if the rest of the world agrees with your decision. For example, I was playing this with my kids and they ended up having a big debate when Alexa asked, “Would you rather eat a rotten burger or drink spoiled milk?”
There are hundreds of questions, and I have to admit the game was quite fun. If you are looking for some mindless entertainment and a few laughs, check it out!
Alexa, enable Would You Rather.
Alexa, play Would You Rather.
Alexa start Would You Rather.
Alexa open Would You Rather.
FYI, you can also see a complete and updated list of built-in Alexa Skills/Commands HERE.
Have you tried this skill? What do you think of it?