Ian Utile, Attn.Live CEO Explains How He Got Nicknamed “The Optimist” (Episode 166)

Welcome, Ian Utile!

In this episode, Teri welcomes Ian Utile.  Ian is a tech entrepreneur and CEO of Attn.Live.  Attn.Live is a sonic streaming platform that utilizes social audio to create NFTs while broadcasting live to Alexa and YouTube. Some fun facts about Ian: Ian has 2 boys, lives in a treehouse, and loves building tech companies.

How Ian Got Nicknamed “the Optimist”

Ian believes that an optimistic person brings optimism to everything that they do and that is the principle that Ian likes to live his life by. Ian mentioned that being optimistic is a choice you make to show gratitude, contentment, hope, possibility, and belief. Ian believes that part of it is characteristic and that rest has to do with the fact that he has worked very hard to cultivate optimism.

Optimism in Ian’s Personal Life vs. Professional Life

Ian believes that his personal and professional life are merged and that his whole life is very integrated. Ian does his best to hold down the cynicism and percolate.

What Ian Has Learned from Commune Living with Over 100 People

When people are living together in a community it is best to give them as much independence and freedom as possible. It is important to not cultivate the sense that everyone must be on the same page about everything. Ian thinks that there should be diversity of thought and lifestyle and we should honor the diversity of opinions.

What Is Ian Doing with His Company Attn.Live Lately?

Ian recently released their global whitepaper that you can view on their website. Ian and his co-founders put a lot of time and energy into developing their global whitepaper.

Ian also spoke about expanding the company with some new players and talent.

If you are interested in a career at Attn.Live, you can visit the careers page on their website.

Learn More About Ian Utile and Attn.Live

Attn.Live Website

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